

  • January weekend, midday.


  • All rights to the work displayed in the Curious Terrain Atlas are retained by the authors. Work may not be reused, reproduced or distributed in any form without the express permission of the author/s.



Examine an everyday place with fresh eyes, and practice taking photos with my new digital camera.


A traditional, leafy neighborhood park.


I deliberately chose a Record card, Photography and a Discover card, Surfaces. I brought my digital camera and a tripod to the park, and took an inventory of its surfaces: The textures of tree bark and leaves; the varied materials of the pathways; chain link fences; wooden picnic benches and playground equipment. The intermittent rain left surfaces sparkling and reflective.

Back in the studio, I reviewed my photos, noticing broad categories of materials – wood, vegetation, mud, metal and rubber. I decided to create a pocket-sized booklet that I could flip through any time I wanted to recall the materiality of Wilshire Park - a palette of surfaces. I arranged the images for narrative interest and chose not to caption the photos, letting the sequence of textures speak for itself. Most of my shots were fairly close-up, but for the cover, I chose a longer-range view that gave a sense of the park as a whole, and that incorporated multiple surface types. After printing and cutting out the pages on card stock, I had the booklet coil-bound at a local print shop.


Though I was in a place I had seen many times before, this visit was a deeply rewarding one. Normally I stroll around a single circuit with my dog. I am lost in thought, appreciating the tall, sheltering trees above and the crunch of the bark path underfoot, but unaware of much else. This time, I criss-crossed the entire park, and became absorbed in close-up details. I saw the fine rivulets of a metal shelter roof, and the velvety moss collecting on tree branches. I caught the reflection of a tree in a puddle. I noticed the soft, feathery texture of pine needles, and the graffiti carved into a picnic table. I observed how paint weathered differently on wood than it does on metal. Exploring the park with a singular focus on surfaces, was a meditative and instructive experience.

As for the little booklet, I find it pleasing to hold the gestalt of my trip in the palm of my hand. When I flip through the pages, I recall not only the surfaces of the park, but also the moody light and the smell of wet leaves. Even though I focused on recording one element of the park, the resulting memento evokes the whole experience of being there.

An Inventory of Park Surfaces

A drizzly day. A neighborhood park. A camera focused on one thing: Surfaces.

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